"On the Fomorians and the Norsemen" suivi de "Caithreim Cellachain Caisil : the victorious career of Cellachan of Cashel or the war between the Irishmen and the Norsemen in the Middle of the 10th century".

de MAC FIRBIS Duald ; BUGGE Alexander
Ouvrage: The chronicle of Man and the sudreys... .- : .Éditeur : Christiana (Oslo) : Gundersens Bogtrykkeri, 1905 .Description: VIII-37p.+ XIX-171p. ; 27cm .Cote: C-08887-01Sujets reliés: IRLANDE | HISTOIRE | NORMANDS | MOYEN-AGE | ROYAUME UNI | HISTOIRE XEME SIECLE | INVASIONS NORMANDES Item type: Article d'ouvrage
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