Language shift, diglossia and dialectal variation in Western Brittany : the case of Southern Cornouaille.
de GERMAN Gary
Ouvrage: The celtic languages in contact. Papers from the Workshop within the Framework of the XIII international congress of celtic studies, Bonn, 26-27 july 2007 Potsdam University Press, 2007 336 p..Éditeur : Potsdam : Potsdam University Press ; 2007 .Description: p. 146-192 ; 21 cm .ISBN : 9783940793072..Cote: C-23580-01Sujets reliés: BRETAGNE REGION | BRETON LANGUE | FINISTERE DEPARTEMENT | LINGUISTIQUE | GEOLINGUISTIQUE | HISTOIRE XIXEME SIECLE | HISTOIRE XXEME SIECLE Item type: Article d'ouvrageNo physical items for this record